Monday, August 23, 2010

Today was the first day back to work with the kids there and it went pretty well.  The Entree choices today were Yogurt/Cheese/Crackers or Chicken Nuggets.  Everyday is a guessing game on what the kids will want and as usual, we ended up having to cook more chicken nuggets during the serving period which is not fun.  We also ran out of trays before the second shift came through the line which was not fun either.  Hopefully the manager will order some more trays for us which would help out a lot.  Right now we have a total of 4 of us in the kitchen.  We have two serving lines and one cash register, each requires a person to be there at all times.   The manager runs the cash register every day, and the rest of us take turns (change weekly) at the serving lines and washing the tables.  We have to be team players because not only do we have to be on our line but we also have to wash trays and cook more food during this time.  We used to have 3 kids that would come back and do the trays when they were through eating but for some reason we no longer get their help.   Needless to say we are pulled in many different directions in the 1 hour that we serve food.  It can be frustrating at time because our manager can be  pretty moody and negative towards us, her workers.  She has been known to lose her temper, throw things around in the kitchen, cuss at us and say mean things to us.  We do the best we can for what all we have to do but sometimes it just isn't enough for her.  The main reason I am doing this blog is to keep a daily journal on how the day at work goes so there can be some sort of documentation since in the past the manager has said and done some very unexceptable things to each of us.   So far, so good but it is the first day of school.  Wish me luck and the strength to make it through another school year!    

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